Walker-Witte Wild Life

Keeping in touch with family and friends.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Another Xmas

This is Ava. She is 15 months.
This is Ava and Megan. Megan was actually saying cheese. Ava is the newest grandchild in the family and the first time I got to meet her.

This is Mykella. She is going to be 4 on her next birthday.

Here is Mykella, Ava, Megan and Joe. I wanted to get them all together and Megan didn't want Ava touching her. Ava kept trying to sit on Megan.

This is the "May I" card game that we get into when we get together. It wasn't my day to win. I lost $5. We had two tables going.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Xmas with the in-laws

Trent and grandpa
Megan, grandma and Trent

Christmas at the parents

My sister being cheesy and mom watching....hehe
Megan and her dad

Trent and Marckus checking out their presents

See, I did get a pic of you Rion.

Dad, mom and Stacy

My niece Kenzee......

Xmas time

HMMM, what is in here?

Trent and Megan opening presents

Megan on her horsey

This is what daddy bought Megan for christmas.