Walker-Witte Wild Life

Keeping in touch with family and friends.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Trent just fractured the two bones in his wrist. They are not broken. He was still in pain this morning but he didn't have any ibuprofen or tylenol with codeine since 5:30 the night before. He said if he didn't feel any better today at school he was going to call me. He didn't call so things must have gone okay today. One of these days I will get pictures on here of his splint.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Broken wrist

My cell phone rang last night about 7:15 and it was Trent. When I picked it up he had already hung up so I tried calling back and it just rang. The house phone then rang. It was my friend's boyfriend. He said Trent was laying in Cissy's (gas station) parking lot. I said what. He is supposed to be at his dad's. Eli said I know. He said that his front tire came off his bike. He was loading Trent and the bike and bringing them home. Trent was crying cuz his arm hurt. It didn't really look mis-shapen or anything. I didn't know if I should take him to the ER or not so I called first nurse. She said what protocol is, is to elevate, put ice on it and check it every 20 minutes. She was asking some questions so I asked Trent and she said is that him crying. I said yes. She said that it must really hurt. Joe walks in and says to just take him to the ER. The first nurse said that is what she would do so off to the ER we go. I called his dad before I called first nurse to let him know that I had Trent and that he hurt his arm and that I might have to take him to the ER. He finally called back while I was talking to first nurse and left a message to ask if it was bleeding, if it needed stitches or what. I called him back and said no, it isn't bleeding and it doesn't need stitches. I didn't know if it was sprained or broke. Well, he broke both of the bones in his arm. One higher than the other so today I have to get him in to an orthopedic specialist to get a real cast put on. Hopefully he won't need pins or anything. We shall see later.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Trent The Artist

I got a letter the other day in the mail that some artwork Trent had done was chosen for an artwork display in Marshalltown for the month of April. He is a good boy!! This picture was put up in the Superintendant's Office for about 1/2 the year. His teacher also said that he can fill out an application for Advanced Placement next year and he can get an extra credit since he is going to be a Freshman this coming August. He picked out his classes and I think he is going to do well in High School. They have a program that he can apply too in 11th grade to work at John Deere in Waterloo. After he would graduate they offer the student a job. He liked that idea. While they are in High School some of the classes they take can be counted for college also so we wouldn't have to worry about paying for the college courses. They have some cool classes now a days like Virtual Reality (those movies that things come out at you), silk screening, CAD drafting and he can also learn either guitar or piano and get credits for that also. I think I want to go back to High School....hehe Not really. He also has to take a Communications class. I know that I HATED to stand up and do reports in front of the class. Enjoy his artwork.

Better late than never

This was Megan on Valentine's Day. Her dad bought her the shirt.