Walker-Witte Wild Life

Keeping in touch with family and friends.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sweet Corn

Joe's sweet corn is ready and when we go to pick it Megan has to carry one in the house. She starts to eat it before I even cook it. I tried it before it was cooked and it is pretty tasty. Maggie (the dog) usually follows us to the house cuz she wants some corn too. The dog eats the cob and all. Maggie stole a tomato the other day after my sister and I picked 14 dozen ears of corn and a few tomatoes. The rain was coming so we headed for the garage to see how many ears we picked and the dog was right there. She even snuck into the garage when I put the door down so I had to run back out in the rain to get her out of the garage.

Kids on July 4

My computer had to be re-done so now that is it somewhat working correctly now I downloaded pictures from my aunts on July 4. My cousin Barb was back from Tennessee with her family and her brother Reed was back from New Mexico with his family and brand new baby.

This is the latest great-grandchild to the family. He was born at the end of May and his name is Seth. Isn't he cute??? Grandpa is feeding him. There is a new great-grandchild on the way due the end of December. All the little ones, isn't it fun.....

This is Zach. He is 17 and the oldest great-grandchild of the family. He is learning to play the guitar. He is a senior this year and he is learning to play the graduation march and his mom wants to take the guitar and put it over his head cuz she know he will be off to college next year.

These are some of the great-grandchildren of the family. Macy (7), Rachel (9), Nick (11), Marckus (8), Trent (12), Tyler (I think 11), Paige (5 or 6), Kenzee (12) and Courtney (8). Megan wasn't in these pics cuz she was sleeping. I should have taken a picture of her anyway.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Trent officially became a teenager on Saturday at 5:31 a.m. So in like 363 days he is going to want to get his permit so he can start driving. Won't that be fun? Not. His cousins Kenzee and Marckus and his friend Cody came over and swam in the pool. When his auntie got their we all got in the pool. It was fun!! We grilled out for supper and had a fun time and then it was time for him to go to his dad's for 2 weeks. I am a bad mom, I didn't even get any pics of his 13th birthday to put on here.